Well, Blogger Friends...it is that time again. MYSTERY TRIP TIME!!!! The month of August was Adrien's turn to plan out. And what a trip it turned out to be. This trip, as the last one, was in our very own backyard. Which to me is just thrilling. To think there was something here that I had never done and I got to experience it with my best friend. As most of you know, we always have such adventures on our Mystery Trips. We always get to meet such characters in our travels. And if anyone knows me at all, knows that I am always up in some one's grill getting the low down on whatever their story is...lol! With my type of personality it makes for a very interesting trip indeed. And this one was no different. This trip was a woven tapestry of wonderful sights to behold with one's eye, meeting an icon (who was 87 years young) and wondering back into some wonderful history. So, come along friends for this two part series. It will prove to be intriguing and full of wonder!

The trip started out on our regional transit LIGHT RAIL! Can I just say that this keeps getting better and better to ride. One, it saves us on parking fees. Secondly, it makes for relaxing traveling. Thirdly, we get to enjoy our endless chatter with each other. And these Light Rail cars are fully air conditioned that isn't on my dime...yummy!

We disembarked off Light Rail and Adrien lead the way to this Bohemian style coffee & tea house. Isn't that the cutest store front. It is so tiny out in front but once you step inside...it was quite surprisingly spacious. And the best part, it carried fair trade coffee and loose leaf tea (which is proving to be a very rare thing around here in Northern California).

Since, it was already warming up a bit. Adrien and I settled on some Organic Jasmine Iced Tea...it was a burst of flavor in our mouths. Very refreshing! I highly recommend any traveler to seek this hidden gem out.

I should also mention, since I am a huge fan of art. There was art on almost every inch of the walls. All the art from local artists. Some really great pieces to be enjoyed. And lovely seating areas, all cushioned and cozy with pillows and coffee tables filled with all types of newspapers and local flare magazines. Trust me when I say you will spend a fair amount of time in here if you are a local and if traveling through, it is a wonderful place to catch one's breath and plan the next move.

I promise you will not be disappointed with adding this stop into your traveling agenda.
Once we finished up our drinks, we set out. We walked briskly through K street plaza/Mall. Me, a few steps behind Adrien (who knew where our next stop would be), taking in the sights and sounds of our lovely downtown. Here a few pictures of some art that caught my eye along the way. I was thinking if I was in a car I would have never got to enjoy all this lovely art around me!

This carousal is at the end of K street Mall. It evokes for me all the childhood memories of riding this for hours and squealing in delight to pick out 'my' horse!

Once through our open air mall, we came to this beautiful beacon which is the entrance to lead us through the tunnel onward toward Old Sacramento. I have never really stopped to take this piece in...but it just seems to be at home among the tree lined plaza. A truly fantastic piece.

Once past the sculpture, we came to this arch. It indicates where we were headed. This had me very intrigued to say the least. And once we walked past it, we were at the head of the tunnel that would take us under I-5 and on to Old Sacramento. The walls of the tunnel are beautifully decorated with continuous art murals.

And this is where I shall leave you all, until part II of my Mystery Trip. And trust me when I say you will want to come back and take a peek.
With much love,

Robyn loved touring about with you this morning! What fun! How about those painted tunnel murals..WOW!
beautiful artwork! I shall pop by again but perhaps I'll be in Paris by then!! hugs
Sounds like such a fun trip! Nothing like enjoying your own back yard!
Some lovely photos there, Robyn! I'd love to go to that bohemian coffee place - it seems very 'me'!!
Can't wait for part 2!!
Bring it on already!
I can't pass a carousel horse without mounting it.
very cool! great photos and cant wait to read more. :)
Looks like a fabulous mystery trip Robyn. I love the artwork!
I love your trips. Looks like another great adventure.
I'm adding this to the MTM list. hope you don't mind.
Looks like a great day with a friend! It's a wonderful way to stay connected with your friend.
Nice carousal horse.
I have work at a few fairs and have seen some nioce old ones that date back befor my time.
They seem to have a life and charactor of their own but late at night when there is no one around and every thing is closed and dark,
damn things are spooky as hell.
We have a light rail here that I used once.
It's great when you go out drinking and get drunk to sober you up to drive home.
The one time I took it it was just across the street from my car and being smart enought to realize i was drunk, I took it and promptly passed out and woke up three hours later sober as pulled into the station across the street from where I initially took it and parked my car.
I've been to old sac, my mom lives in sacramento. It's a lot of fun. Wonderful pictures you have here!
Taking a better look at your blog. I loved the art work you posted. You know, Im a big fan of art too. I like to get new ideas. Id love to have some pieces in that studio, but then Id have to move to Sacramento, so I could be a local artist. Im just a loco artist right now.
Love n Peace...
Hi Robyn,
Loved the trip so far!
What a fun place, and the light rail wow, I wish we had something like that here.
Isn't it fun to do things right near you own home?
Chat soon,
That is a beautiful carousel! All the art in the cafe and on the tunnel walls is lovely.
Well, well, well, my "Old Sacramento Pal," look who's in the back yard with her girlie friend!
Do you realize I've lived in this town, on and off, for nearly 6 years, and you know what? I've never visited Old Sacramento (and going to Discovery Park every day to feed the ferals, I'm within inches of it?). You do me wrong girl. Of course I'm laughin'. I will have to make the trip for the tea house. That is my kinda place. Everything about it...perfection (what's the location?). And everything about you...perfection! No, I'm not kidding. You kill me. From organic free-trade tea to using the light rail, you're the "it" girl in my book. It's official everyone, I'm adopting Robyn as my sister. You're all welcome to attend the glorious garden party. Don't be surprised to find her naked, but adorned from head to toe in roses (sort of like the photo on naturegirl!). Don't touch her, cuz something might fall off. Jeeeeeeeeeeze, I'm not responsible for the bare spots cuz honestly, I velcroed roses everywhere.
Can hardly wait for Part II you wacky broad. God I love you!!! Hey, I'm over at the Cafe, alone, yup, just me and all that "stuff." I made something I think you might enjoy. Stop by when you come up for air. Hell, I made enough for his entire comment page! Hi everybody! Follow "Wacky" to the Cafe if you dare.
Oh God, forgot to mention, the photo of you is beautiful. You're a looker!
Can't wait to go on the rest of the tour with you dear. Great images. Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the address and words of advice. You're such a sweetie. And no honey, I'd go there after feeding the ferals. I'm at Discovery Park 9:15 - 9:30 sharp!!! No wiggle room. But Old Sac is just a hop, skip and a jump down I-50 after that. I think I might hop back on and take the tour. You opened my eyes. Dr. P said to do something beautiful for myself everyday, I think Old Sac fits the bill.
Love you to death,
You're killin' me. You know that. Up in the hills of Berkeley is the state park, Tilden Park, and one of the greatest antique carousels of all time. Absolutely beautiful. Riding it was magical. Thank you for reminding me!
Robyn....I've loved checking out your site & love reading about your trips with Adrien! Can't wait to see part 2.....Old Sacramento was my favorite place to stop with Mike and the kids on our trips between my grandparents in Southern Cal and my parents in Oregon. I LOVE it there!
yeah i would kill to go Comic Con too. This year I heard was really awesome!
I loved the public art and a look at your town. Thanks for a great mystery tour, Robyn.
What a fun mystery trip and I look forward to hearing about Part II.
much fun, great idea!!! like a guided treasure hunt!!!
What a great idea! I love your mystery trips. I've got to get my arse to Sacramento sometime...you make it look so awesomely cool.
Hey, I'm in Nor Cal too! East Bay Area...so getting to Sacto shouldn't be so difficult.
Keep on posting your Mystery Trips. They are super fun!!!
PS Suzanne's is right, you are hawt!!
A very beautiful idea!
love love love the tunnel wall art - can't wait to see where we err you go next!
Looks like fun. I like to spice life up a bit with a trip or two.
I believe that would be I-5!!! Probably only you and I get it.
I can't wait to meet this 87-year-old icon ... I want to guess at who this person is ... is it Hugh Downs? Or maybe Monty Hall? Is it Carol Channing?
Thanks for the magical mystery tour....it felt like I was there!
It is amazing how we sometimes never take advantage of the things we have right in our own backyard.
Can't wait to hear and see more! :)
Fun as always. I love taking your Mystery Trips with you!
Sarge and Hedgie and I all love carousels, and we always all get on them and ride together! That's right, me and Sarge pick out our horses and ride!!!
lovely pictures! i have your blog in my google reader and i can see the whole thing, no worries!
the carnival horses are my favorite
Loved the pics of the carousel and I'm with Walker. There is something a little bit spooky about those horses. Also LOVED the wall murals. They really brighten up a plain boring old wall don't they?
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